


56. Bariod, L., Fuentes, E., Millet, M., White, J., Jacquiod, S. Moreau, M. & Monceau, K. Apex predator exposure to pesticides associated with gut microbiota alterations. Available at SSRN: [preprint]

55. Bariod, L., Fuentes, E., Millet, M., Jacquiod, S., White, J., Moreau, J. & Monceau, K. Direct and indirect effects of pesticide exposure on farmland raptor gut microbiota. Journal of Hazardous Materials, in press. Preprint available at SSRN: 

54. Fuentes, E., Moreau, J., Millet, M., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2024. First evidence of age-dependent decreases in non-persistent pesticide mixtures in nestlings of a farmland raptor. Environmental Research, 120179. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary files

53. Bartolomé, C., Dasilva-Martins, D., Valiñas, R., Gabín-García, L.B., Nave, A., García-Pérez, A.L., Monceau, K., Thiéry, D., Christie, A., Choi, M.B., Sobrino, B., Amigo, J., Maside, X. 2024. Prevalence and population genetic analyses of parasites in invasive Vespa velutina and native Hymenoptera. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 108203. [PDF] + [ZIP] supplementary files

52. Fuentes, E., Moreau, J., Rodrigues, A., Millet, M., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2024. Pesticide contamination patterns in Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) chicks. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary files

51. Bariod, L., Gaffard, A., Rodrigues, A., Millet, M., Bretagnolle, V., Pays, O., Monceau, K. & Moreau, J. 2024. Comparison of pesticide contamination between captive-reared and wild grey partridges: insights into environmental exposure disparities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary files

50. Thiery, D. & Monceau, K. 2024. Twenty years of attempting to control the Vespa velutina invasion: will we win the battle? Entomologia Generalis, 44, 479-480. [PDF]

49. Fuentes, E., Moreau, J., Millet, M., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2024. Organic farming reduces pesticide load in a bird of prey. Science of the Total Environment, 930, 172778. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary files

48. Tison, L., Beaumelle, L., Monceau, K. & Thiéry, D. 2024. Transfer and bioaccumulation of pesticides in terrestrial arthropods and food webs: state of knowledge and perspectives for future research. Chemosphere, 357, 142036. [PDF]

47. Fuentes, E., Moreau, J., Teixeira, M., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2023. Effects of conventional vs. organic farming practices on raptor nestling health: Neither black nor white. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 358, 108719. [PDF]+ [PDF] supplementary files

46. Tison, L., Franc, C., Burkart, F., Jactel, H., Monceau, K., de Revel, G. & Thiéry, D. 2023. Pesticide contamination in an intensive insect predator of honey bees. Environment International, 176, 107975. [PDF]

45. Rabdeau, J., Desbonnes, M., Bretagnolle, V., Moreau, J. & Monceau, K. 2023. Does anthropization affect the physiology, the behaviour and the life-history traits of Montagu’s harrier chicks? Animal Conservation, 26, 174-188. [PDF]+ [PDF] supplementary files

44. Fuentes, E., Gaffard, E., Rodrigues, A., Millet, M., Bretagnolle, V., Moreau, J. & Monceau, K. 2023. Neonicotinoids: Still present in farmland birds despite their ban. Chemosphere, 321, 138091. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary file + Corrigendum [PDF]

43. Rodrigues, A., Gaffard, A., Moreau, J., Monceau, K., Delhomme, O. & Millet, M. 2023. Analytical development for the assessment of pesticide contaminations in blood and plasma of wild birds: the case of grey partridges (Perdix perdix). Journal of Chromatography A, 1687, 463681. [PDF]

42. Moreau, J., Rabdeau, J., Badenhausser, I., Giraudeau, M., Sepp, T., Crépin, M., Gaffard, A., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2022. Pesticide impacts on avian species with special reference to farmland birds: A review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194, 790. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary file

41. Gaffard, A., Pays, O., Monceau, K., Teixeira, M., Bretagnolle, V. & Moreau, J. 2022. Feeding on grains containing pesticide residues is detrimental to offspring development through parental effects in grey partridge. Environmental Pollution, 120005. [PDF]

40. Moreau, J., Monceau, K., Gonnet, G., Pfizer, M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2022. Organic farming positively affects the vitality of passerine birds in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 336, 108034[PDF]

39. Biard, C., Monceau, K., Teixeira, M., Motreuil, S., Bettencourt-Amarante, S.,  Develay, L. & Moreau, J. 2022. Coccidial oocyst release: once a day or all day long? Tropical bird hosts shed new light on the adaptive significance of diurnal periodicity in parasite output. Parasitology, 149, 469-481. [PDF]

38. Rabdeau, J., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Badenhausser, I., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2021. Do human infrastructures shape nest distribution in the landscape depending on individual personality in a farmland bird of prey? Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 2848-2858. [PDF]

37. Moreau, J., Monceau, K., Crépin, M., Derouin Tochon, F., Mondet, C., Frainkin, M., Teixeira, M. & Bretagnolle, V. 2021. Feeding partridges with organic or conventional grain triggers cascading effects in life- history traits. Environmental Pollution, 116851[PDF]

36. Rabdeau, J., Badenhausser, I., Gaffard, A., Mangelinck, C., Moreau, J., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2021. Assortative pairing for boldness and consequences on reproductive success in Montagu’s harrier. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 132, 759-773. [PDF]

35. Rabdeau, J., Badenhausser, I., Moreau, J., Bretagnolle, V. & Monceau, K. 2019. To change or not to change experimenters: Caveats for repeated behavioural and physiological measures in Montagu’s Harrier. Journal of Avian Biology, 50: doi:10.1111/jav.02160 [PDF]

34. Ribout, C., Villers, A., Ruault, S., Bretagnolle, V., Picard, D., Monceau, K. & Gauffre, B. 2019. Fine-scale genetic structure in a high dispersal capacity raptor, the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus), revealed by a set of novel microsatellite loci. Genetica, 1, 69–78. [PDF]

33. Thiéry, D, Bonnard, O., Riquier, L., de Revel, G. & Monceau, K. 2018. An alarm pheromone in the venom gland of Vespa velutina: evidence revisited from the European invasive population. Entomologia Generalis, 38, 145-146. [PDF]

32. Poidatz, J., Monceau, K., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2018. Activity rhythm and action range of workers of the invasive hornet predator of honeybees Vespa velutina, measured by radio frequency identification tags. Ecology & Evolution, 8, 7588-7598. [PDF]

31. Bretagnolle, V., Berthet, E., Gross, N., Gauffre, B., Plumejeaud, C., Houte, S., Badenhausser, I., Monceau, K., Allier, F., Monestiez, P. & Gaba S. 2018. Description of long-term monitoring of farmland biodiversity in a LTSER. Data in Brief, 19, 1310-1313. [PDF]

30. Amat, I., Desouhant, E., Gomes, E., Moreau, J. & Monceau, K. 2018. Insect personality: what can we learn from metamorphosis? Current Opinion in Insect Science, 27, 46-51[PDF]

29. Monceau, K., Arca, M., Leprêtre, L., Bonnard, O., Arnold, G. & Thiéry D. 2018. How Apis mellifera behaves with its invasive hornet predator Vespa velutina? Journal of Insect Behavior, 31, 1-11. [PDF] + [PDF] supplementary file 1


Online Resource 2 – Honeybee balling behaviour

28. Bretagnolle, V., Berthet, E., Gross, N., Gauffre, B., Plumejeaud, C., Houte, S., Badenhausser, I., Monceau, K., Allier, F., Monestiez, P. & Gaba S. 2018. Towards sustainable and multifunctional agriculture in farmland landscapes: Lessons from the integrative approach of a French LTSER platform. Science of the Total Environment, 627, 822–834. [PDF]

27. Monceau, K. & Thiéry D. 2017. Vespa velutina nest distribution at a local scale: an eight-year survey of the invasive honeybee predator. Insect Science, 24, 663–674. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

Yellow-legged hornet hovering in front of a beehive


26. Monceau, K., Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X., Moreau, J., Lucas, C., Capoduro, R., Motreuil, S. & Moret, Y. 2017. Personality, immune response and reproductive success: An appraisal of the pace-of-life syndrome hypothesis.  Journal of Animal Ecology, 86, 932–942. [PDF] article + [ZIP] supplementary files + [data] dataset

25. Monceau, K., Tourat, A., Arca, M., Bonnard, O., Arnold, G. & Thiéry D. 2017. Daily and seasonal extranidal behaviour variations in the invasive yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 30, 220-230. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

24. Monceau, K., Moreau, J., Richet, J., Motreuil, S., Moret, Y. & Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X. 2017. Larval personality does not predict adult personality in a holometabolous insect. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120, 869-878. [PDF] article + [ZIP] supplementary files + [data] dataset

23. Moreau, J., Monceau, K. & Thiéry, D. 2016. Larval food influences temporal oviposition and egg quality traits in females of Lobesia botrana. Journal of Pest Science, 89, 439-448.  [PDF]

22. Vogelweith, F., Moret, Y., Monceau, K., Thiéry, D. & Moreau, J. 2016. Effect of diet and immune challenge on the relative abundance of hemocyte types in polyphagous caterpillar. Journal of Insect Physiology, 88, 33-39. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

21. Monceau, K. 2015. The next meeting for animal personality: population genetics. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 27, 428-435. [PDF]


20. Biard, C., Monceau, K., Motreuil, S. & Moreau, J. 2015. Interpreting immunological indices: The importance of taking parasite community into account. An example in blackbirds (Turdus merula). Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 960-972. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

19. Monceau, K., Moreau, J., Poidatz, J., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2015. Behavioral syndrome in a native and an invasive hymenoptera species. Insect Science, 22, 541-548.  [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

18. Monceau, K., Maher, N., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2015. Evaluation of competition between a native and an invasive hornet species: do seasonal phenologies overlap? Bulletin of Entomological Research, 105, 462-469. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary files

17. Couto, A., Monceau, K., Bonnard, O., Thiéry, D. & Sandoz, J.-C. 2014. Olfactory attraction of the hornet Vespa velutina to honeybee colony odors and pheromones. PLoS ONE, 9, e115943. [PDF]

Cover Insect Science 2014 vol. 21


16. Monceau, K., Bonnard, O., Moreau, J. & Thiéry, D. 2014. Spatial distribution of Vespa velutina individuals hunting at domestic honeybee hives: heterogeneity at a local scale. Insect Science, 21, 765–774. [PDF]

15. Thiéry, D., Monceau, K. & Moreau, J. 2014. Larval intraspecific competition for food in the European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 104, 517-524. [PDF]

14. Arca, M., Papachristoforou, A., Mougel, F., Rortais, A., Monceau, K., Bonnard, O., Tardy, P., Thiéry, D., Silvain, J.-F. & Arnold, G. 2014. Defensive behaviour of Apis mellifera against Vespa velutina in France: testing whether European honeybees can develop an effective collective defence against a new predator. Behavioural Processes, 106, 122-129. [PDF]

13. Thiéry, D., Monceau, K. & Moreau, J. 2014. Different emergence phenology of European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana, Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on six varieties of grapes in an experimental vineyard. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 104, 277-287. [PDF]

12. Monceau, K., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2014. Vespa velutina : a new invasive predator of honeybees in Europe. Journal of Pest Science, 87, 1-16. [PDF]

11. Monceau, K., Cézilly, F., Moreau, J., Motreuil, S. & Wattier, R.A. 2013. Colonisation and diversification of the Zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita) in the Antilles: Phylogeography, contemporary gene flow and morphological divergence. PLoS ONE, 8, e82189. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary material

Hornet worker on its nest


10. Monceau, K., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2013. Relationship between the age of Vespa velutina workers and their defensive behaviour established from colonies maintained in the laboratory. Insectes Sociaux, 60, 437-444. [PDF]

9. Monceau, K., Arca, M., Leprêtre, L., Mougel, F., Bonnard, O., Silvain, J.-F., Maher, N., Arnold, G. & Thiéry, D. 2013. Native prey and invasive predator patterns of foraging activity: the case of the yellow-legged hornet predation at European honeybee hives. PLoS ONE, 8, e66492. [PDF]

8. Monceau, K., Maher, N., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2013. Predation dynamics study of the recently introduced honeybee killer Vespa velutina: learning from the enemy. Apidologie, 44, 209-221. [PDF]

7. Monceau, K., Wattier, R.A., Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X., Dubreuil, C. & Cézilly, F. 2013. Heterozygosity-fitness correlations in adult and juvenile Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita. Journal of Heredity, 104, 47-56.  [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary material

Male and female Schultesia nitor


6. Monceau, K., Bonnard, O. & Thiéry, D. 2012. Chasing the queens of the alien predator of honeybees: a water drop in the invasiveness ocean. Open Journal of Ecology, 2, 183-191. [PDF]

5. Monceau, K. & van Baaren, J. 2012. Female teneral mating in a monandrous species. Ecology and Evolution, 2, 1426-1436. [PDF]

4. Monceau, K., Wattier, R.A., Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X., Motreuil, S. & Cézilly, F. 2011. Territoriality vs. flocking in the Zenaida Dove, Zenaida aurita: Resource polymorphism revisited using morphological and genetic analyses. The Auk, 128, 15-25. [PDF]

3. Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X., Monceau, K. & Cézilly, F. 2011. Sexing birds using discriminant function analysis based on morphometric measurements: A critical appraisal. The Auk, 128, 78-86. [PDF] article + [PDF] supplementary material

2. Boogert, N.J., Monceau, K. & Lefebvre, L. 2010. A field test of behavioural flexibility in Zenaida Doves (Zenaida aurita). Behavioural Processes, 85, 135-141. [PDF]

Singing Zenaida Dove


1. Monceau, K., Gaillard, M., Harrang, E., Santiago-Alarcon, D., Parker, P. G., Cézilly, F. & Wattier, R.A. 2009. Twenty-three polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Caribbean endemic Zenaida Dove, Zenaida aurita, and its conservation in related Zenaida species. Conservation Genetics, 10, 1557-1581. [PDF]


Technical report

Bonnard, O., Monceau, K. & Thiéry, D. 2012. Elevage de colonies de Vespa velutina, un prédateur d’abeilles domestiques récemment introduit en France. Le Cahier des Techniques de l’Inra, 76, 1-11. [PDF]

Conference Proceedings

Monceau, K. & Thiéry, D. Vespa velutina: Current situation and perspectives. Atti Academia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia (18 November 2016) – Florence (Italy) [PDF]

Thiéry, D., Bonnard, O., Maher, N., Poidatz, J. & Monceau, K. 2014. Comportement de prédation du frelon asiatique à pattes jaunes (Vespa velutina) et protection des ruches par différentes stratégies de piégeage. Ravageurs et Insectes Invasifs et Émergents (21 octobre 2014) – Montpellier (France) [PDF]

Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

Monceau, K. 2021. Espèces invasives, dérangement anthropique et pesticides en agriculture : leurs effets sur la biodiversité. HDR, La Rochelle université, La Rochelle, France. [PDF] Habilitation defense visible here.

Ph.D. thesis

Monceau, K. 2009. Biologie des populations de tourterelles à queue carrée sur l’île de la Barbade – Apports de l’outil moléculaire. Ph.D. thesis, université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. [PDF]