Since September 2015, I am lecturer at the university of La Rochelle. I mainly realise practical and field courses in animal biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics and conservation biology.
Since September 2019, I am also responsible for two university diplomas with IFFCAM (Institut Francophone de Formation au Cinéma Animalier de Ménigoute) to train students for the realization of nature and environment films. Feel free to contact me about this diplomas.
Diplôme d’université “Réalisateur du film documentaire animalier, de nature et d’environnement”
In 2021, we also started a new DU for people wishing to train / improve their skills in nature and environmental photography.
Diplôme d’université “Photographie de nature et d’environnement”
IFFCAM students – class 2021 © Y.-M. Siroit